Where Rare Plants Thrive: A Renowned Pennsylvania Garden & Plant Collection

Home to one of America’s finest collections of rare alpine, woodland and xeric plants, and specialty bulbs. Explore our extensive photo galleries and discover exceptional plants available for purchase through our curated seasonal offerings.

About the Garden

“Edgewood” is a private garden in Exton, southeastern Pennsylvania (USDA zone 7a) that has been evolving since 1995. While not open to the public for visits, plants can be ordered online and purchased at plant sales and presentations.

The garden showcases several thousand hardy plants, trees, and shrubs, thriving in diverse microhabitats including raised beds, xeric beds, bog gardens, woodlands, and cold greenhouses.

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Upcoming Events

Browse upcoming plant sales and lectures where you can purchase specimens from our collection and learn about specialized horticulture from John's four decades of gardening experience.