Woodland Treasures

Date & Time
February 8, 2025
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Oak Spring Garden Foundation, Upperville, VA.
John will discuss a wide variety of the many unusual and beautiful woodland plants which he grows in his USDA zone 6b garden in Exton, PA. The presentation will highlight genera such as Trillium, Galanthus, Cyclamen, Corydalis, Podophyllum, Hepatica, Erythronium, Cypripedium, Phlox, Epimedium and Arisaema, many of which are native to the eastern USA. These plants are suitable for a range of habitats in the garden, from dry shade to vernally moist sunlit woodland edges. Although often found in deep shade in the woods, many flourish and flower much better when given more sunny locations and plentiful moisture. Several trees and shrubs will also be included, particularly native deciduous azaleas.
John is particularly interested in pushing the cultivation limits of these plants, and his talk will emphasize methods for their successful growth and propagation, especially from seed. John has constructed two bog gardens to allow cultivation of some of the woodland plants which typically struggle in the garden, and examples of these will be discussed. In addition to the presentation, John will bring several specimen potted plants, to further illustrate their beauty and versatility, and cultivation techniques. A selection of potted bulbs will be available for purchase.