“Woodland Treasures”

“Woodland Treasures”

John will discuss a wide variety of the many unusual and beautiful woodland plants which he grows in his USDA zone 6b garden in Exton, PA. The presentation will highlight genera such as Trillium, Galanthus, Cyclamen, Corydalis, Podophyllum, Hepatica, Erythronium, Cypripedium, Phlox, Epimedium and Arisaema, many of which are native to the eastern USA.

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“Unusual Bulbs for the Garden and Greenhouse”

“Unusual Bulbs for the Garden and Greenhouse”

John Lonsdale will discuss and illustrate a wide variety of the many uncommon and beautiful shade and sun-loving “bulbs” which he grows in his zone 6b garden and greenhouses in Exton, PA. In addition to the true bulbs, such as snowdrops, the presentation will feature plants utilizing tubers, corms and rhizomes – anything that allows geophytes to live through periods of adverse weather.

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Bank to Bend

Bank to Bend

A wonderful lecture, and opportunity to tour the March Bank, accompanied by plants sales by Edgewood Gardens and Putnam Hill Nursery.

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“Companion Plants for Native Azaleas” -

“Companion Plants for Native Azaleas” -

The 2025 national convention for the Azalea Society of America will be held from Wednesday, May 7th through Friday the 9th with some post-convention tours on Saturday the 10th.

John will showcase a selection of the bulbs, perennials and small trees and shrubs he grows in the open garden which perfectly complement native azaleas.  Companion plants include spring and fall-flowering Cyclamen and Galanthus, as well as a variety of spring-flowering treasures such as Epimedium, Erythronium, Podophyllum, Arisaema, Corydalis, Trillium and other less well-known genera. John is particularly interested in pushing the hardiness limits of these plants, and his talk will emphasize methods for their successful cultivation and propagation, especially from seed.

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